How your Facebook and email accounts are hacked?

 How are Facebook and email accounts hacked?


ou must have heard from your friends that one of their accounts has been hacked, or this accident may have happened to you. But how does this hacking happen? Who are the computer experts who hack into other people's accounts with great skill?

 Most people not only use weak passwords but also use the same password for multiple accounts. And re-using your leaked password is an invitation to hackers.

 Password databases of major websites such as LinkedIn and Yahoo have been leaked in recent years. So use a different password for each account and never use a password that you suspect someone knows. Always include numbers and special characters in the password to make it extremely difficult to crack.

 Even if someone has to give their password in connection with a task, change the password immediately after the task is completed. Instead, keep updating your password every two to three months.

  A common and easy way of hacking,


 This is a dangerous way to steal passwords. If the account is hacked, etc., at least you know that your account is not in your control. But when someone gets your password through phishing, they can log in to your accounts and you don't even know it.


This can be illustrated by the fact that you receive a message on Facebook or an email in the mailbox, which contains a link. If you go to this link, the Facebook, Hotmail or Gmail page will open. You log in and this is where your password reaches the hacker. In fact, if you look at the URL bar on the page you are logging in to, it will not be a Facebook or Gmail address, but a spam URL but a Facebook page or Will be Gmai

 In fact, it uses a page with exactly the same design that makes people stupid. Their login details are stolen and they don't even know it. To avoid this problem, be sure to check the URL on the page that opens with a link. Most phishing URLs are HTTP - meaning (hyper text transport protocol) not secure and usually the URL is HTTPS - ie (hyper text transport protocol secure).

2.Security Question

 Security questions are a big part of any e-mail account being hacked. I always say that most people's accounts are hacked by those who know them. Suppose my security question is "Who is my best childhood friend?" So obviously the answer is easily understood by people I know.

 But the mistake here is my own if I enter the correct information here. It is not a test question that if I answer correctly I will get marks and if I answer incorrectly I will fail. It's about my own security. If I write the name of the enemy instead of a friend, or even the name of something else, such as a coffee cup, helicopter, cricket or any other meaningless word, the email service will not mind.

 So always be careful when writing answers to security questions. Write answers that no one but you can understand. If you answered correctly, change them immediately.

3.key Loggers

 Keyloggers are programs that keep notes of all the words typed on the keyboard. The easiest way to avoid them on your system is to use a good antivirus and keep it up to date.


Use caution when logging in to public places and other people's computers. Only use your personal accounts in trusted locations. Never save your password while logging in and don't forget to log out.

4.Alternate email

Alternate email

It has often been the case that people have not added any other e-mail address to their accounts as an alternative e-mail. It also happens that someone else created an account and started using it. Then one day the account is suddenly hacked. It is also important to include a valid alternate email address in your account so that a password reset request can be received.

5.Secure passwords in web browsers

 Every web browser invites you to save your password in it so that you do not have to type it again and again. Browsers keep your password in plain text. Either don't keep the password secure or make sure to put a master password on all of these passwords. For example, this feature is available in Firefox.

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