What is processor, how a processor work? By KABIR

Definition: The processor is a chip or a logical circuit that responds and processes the basic instructions to drive a particular computer. 

Different types of processors refer to one that is an information system. Articles are part of a microprocessor of the computer and the most complex of all the information processes that are in the mind of a simpleCPUor micro that is complex.

A computer processor is a hardware device that can have various features, a central processing unit or CPU, known as the "brain" of the system.

 Multiple formations of hardware, usually one of the different types of chip is a series of microprocessors

consisting of a common microprocessor register, control unit, math unit, among others.

 The interior of the processor is the core, cache, memory controllers, graphics card and other elements.

 The core is a processor that makes parts of many connections and reduces the dimension by allowing them to work with multiple applications.

 The cache is a memorabilia of the camera that stores access to frequent and most important system computers, such as a computer, which is divided into several elements that are most frequently used, such as critical memory, which is inside  .

 The cache is closer to the micro since the memory is inside it and the memory access is used to improve the speed that is managed in several levels faster and faster than the previous one.

 The memory controller is a digital circuit that is responsible for creating the flow of data between the processor and the memory.

 A graphics card is a death card for a computer, which is responsible for connecting any content to the data processing process.

What is CPU core and GHz in a processor?

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